Did you see my Lego Candy I shared on the blog yesterday? I used a few of them to make my sons cake. He requested a Lego Movie Cake. Now, I like making cakes but I am not a pro! Not even close, I’m pretty amateur. Plus, I hadn’t even seen the movie! After listening to my son and husband we decided to do a double decker couch. If you haven’t seen the movie…trust me it will make sense after you see it. I added frosting hair to the Lego mini figures (no, they are not actual movie characters). I drew on faces and then realized Lego faces don’t have noses…oops! I used actual Legos for the couch, and then added the candy figures, and the candy Lego blocks around the base of the cake. Simple and actually kinda cute. 🙂
Double decker couch.
My son LOVED his cake, imperfections and all. I guess that’s what it’s all about. 🙂
Everything is awesome! Such a cute cake