Hi Friends, today I’ve got a fun little diy upcycle for you. Ever have something come up and you need a gift box? That totally happened to me and while I was going through my stash looking for a gift box I came across my old phone case box. Not overly beautiful as is, but such a fun shape I immediately new I wanted to make an Upcycled DIY Gift Box.
I love how it turned out and it was actually pretty easy. Here are the supplies you’ll need:
- old box or container
- scrapbook paper (enough to cover container)
- brush
- modpodge
For this box I only need one sheet of 12×12 scrapbook paper. I laid out the paper and put the box on top and used it as a guide to measure our where to cut the paper to wrap around the box. I also cut a separate little piece of paper for the top flap fold.
Once you’ve got it all measured you’ll use a brush and start applying mode podge to the container. Start wrapping the paper around and press down as you go until you completely cover your container.
Let it dry and you’ve got a simple, cute, gift box! I love how it turned out and am glad I could put my old box to good use.
Looking for more?
Manicure set gift idea
Thank You Gift Tags
I link to these parties here.
Oh this is so perfectly perfect! I love it!!!!!!!!!! Pinning right now!
Thanks so much!