Okay, sorry for the random cry for help, but I am in need of your assistance. Ya’ll know about those rose cabachon earrings/rings/necklaces you see everywhere? Well, I have bought from several shops and I love them. I have decided I want more colors to match my outfits…but I had a whim and decided to try and make my own. (what was I thinking?). I found some molds off etsy that are the perfect style and detail, I bought some resin called Amazing Cast Resin and I have no idea how to use it. In the spring, I came across a blog that had a full tutorial. I bookmarked it but since I moved and we reinstalled our computer software I can’t find the blog. I have googled myself silly and cannot find any helpful tutorials. I guess everyone is keeping the secret under wraps. 🙂
Anyways, I need your help. If you know anything about how to make these and would be willing to offer advice I would love it. I am not planning on starting up an etsy shop…so no worries there. 🙂 This is all for personal use.
If you have come across a blog or tutorial with info…please pass it along I would love to check it out. I know there was at least 1 out there…I just can’t find it now!
Also, anyone know how to color the resin? I found the dyes but they are quite pricey and plain boring colors. The whole reason I wanted to do this was to make custom colors and jewelry for me and my needs. I read somewhere that some resins can be colored with acrylic craft paint. Anyone know?
Thanks for any advice or info you can offer!!
Jenny at Skinners Studio has some great tutorials on her blog. Also she has some fantastic photos of her experiments with colouring resin. The tuts are easy to follow and have great photo steps. I really like her communication style.
I was going to suggest the same site. http://skinnerstudio.blogspot.com/2009/02/how-to-make-resin-jewelry-supplies.html
can’t wait to see the results
Here’s another tutorial link: http://confessionsofacouplecraftyladies.blogspot.com/2011/09/clay-flower-cobochons-tutorial.html